Zosia Sotomska

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Master of Physiotherapy, certified urogynecological therapist (PTUG), perinatal rehabilitation specialist

PWZFz number: 51906

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I am interested in pelvic floor physiotherapy and broadly defined women’s health.

I am both a practitioner and a researcher, which is why I enjoy exploring new methods to help my patients in the best possible way.

One of my favorite topics, to which I dedicated my doctoral dissertation, is physiotherapy for painful menstruation. I believe that every woman should know that menstrual pain is not normal. Nowadays, we already have effective methods to eliminate it.

I enhance my practice with hypopressive training exercises. I work with women both during pregnancy and postpartum.

In addition to working with women, I also help children with voiding disorders and bowel movement problems. If you notice that your child is struggling with urination or defecation, don’t wait for spontaneous improvement. These issues are worth addressing early in life.

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During my studies, I acquired knowledge and skills related to diagnosing, planning, and conducting therapy. As a result, I can independently coordinate the process of my patients’ return to health.


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Medical University of Gdańsk

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I have completed numerous courses, training sessions, and workshops in the field of urogynecology, including:

  • Physiotherapy in urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Module I, II, III, IV, V. Reha Plus
  • Osteopathic Approach to Pelvic Floor Therapy. Fizjosystem
  • DRA (Diastasis Recti Abdominis): Managing the Linea Alba Separation. Centrum Wiedzy Praktycznej
  • Physiotherapy in Gynecology and Obstetrics Aenon Foundation
  • Obstetric and Osteopathic Aspects During Pregnancy, Labor, and Postpartum. Renort 
  • Medical Pregnancy Training. Izabela Dembińska
  • Osteopathic Therapy in Gynecology. RehaIntegro
  • Anorectal Physiotherapy. Aenon Foundation
  • Urological and Anorectal Physiotherapy for Pediatric Patients. Aenon Foundation
  • Hypopressive Abdominal Techniques. Aenon Foundation
  • Biopsychosocial Reframed: Building a Strong Foundation in Chronic Pain Therapy.  Małgorzata Starzec-Proserpio
  • Ultrasound Workshop and Pessary Therapy in Urogynecological Physiotherapy. Anita Sikora-Szubert
  • Technical Aspects in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy. Georges Billard
  • Abdominal-Pelvic-Diaphragmatic Reeducation According to the Guillarme Method.  Perinea

I am constantly improving my qualifications. All the methods I use, comply with the recommendations of Polish Urogynecological Society.

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