Martyna Józefczyk

Certified Urogynecological Therapist PTUG

PWZFz number: 66479

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My journey in urogynecological physiotherapy began during my master’s studies when I started conducting my first sessions for women dealing with urinary incontinence issues. In collaboration with the participants, I carried out my research demonstrating the high effectiveness of physiotherapy in this field. Since then, I’ve been continuously developing myself, expanding my toolkit with additional therapeutic methods, and gaining more experience in the clinic. In my work, I use elements of manual therapy while paying close attention to implementing proper habits that, combined with therapy, yield surprising health benefits. In the clinic, I ensure comfort and a relaxed atmosphere, conducting detailed interviews and appropriate diagnostic tests, all to provide the best possible assistance to my patients.

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During my studies, I acquired the knowledge and skills necessary for diagnosing, planning, and implementing therapy. As a result, I can independently coordinate the process of my patients’ recovery.


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Gdańsk University of Physical Education and Sport

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I have completed numerous courses, training sessions, and workshops in the field of urogynecology, including:

  • Physiotherapy in urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Module I, II, III, IV, V. Rehaplus
  • Urogynecology – Physiotherapy in urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Movuto
  • Workshop: Sexual Disorders – Dyspareunia, Vulvodynia, Vestibulodynia, Vaginismus – Comprehensive Physiotherapy. Movuto
  • Physical Activity for Pregnant Women. Movuto
  • Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Differences in Physiotherapy and Training Planning. Movuto
  • Gynecological and Obstetric Aspect During Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Postpartum. Tyszko-Bury Training
  • Functional Training for Women After Natural Childbirth. Mc2courses
  • Scar, Comprehensive Therapy. Movuto
  • Ultrasound in Urogynecological Therapy. PROskan
  • Rectus Abdominis Diastasis. Comprehensive Therapy. Movuto
  • Urogynecological Physiotherapy for Pregnant Women. Movuto
  • Visceral Therapy. Systema
  • Endometriosis and Chronic Pelvic Pain. Systema
  • Integrative Scar Therapy. Katarzyna Młotek
  • Relaxation Techniques During Pregnancy. Joanna Wąsowicz
  • TOS – Examination and Pain Management Strategies in the Upper Thoracic Outlet. KIF
  • Deep Tissue Massage. International school of deep tissue massage
  • Cervicogenic Headaches, Examination, and Treatment Strategies for Head and Neck Joints. KIF
  • PNF Basic Course, Functional Therapy. Damian Kapturski

I continually upgrade my qualifications. All the methods I use are in accordance with the recommendations of the Polish Urogynecological Society.

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